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The Centrist Ideology of the Media[edit]

The problems with wikipedia on controversial issues seem to be that many of the US users and others have a thoroughly conservative view on history as well as economics. In this respect they seem to believe that any attempt at even remotely displaying signs of the actual controversy that has in fact occured throughout the years must be POV. I don't know if this has something to do with the educational system, the US media or just the users of wikipedia, but it creates a huge gap between europeans views of what is a fair and balanced view of history and the US version one meets on wikipedia. No serious debate is generated and there seems to be a grave lack of understanding what the history subject is all about in some cases. Often encyclopedic form is used as an excuse although huge amounts of wiki articles on current entertainment industry pieces are far more extensive and cover several scores of pages and references and supplimentary pages.

One media analyst summed it up in this fashion in his article "Propaganda from the Middle of the Road" The Centrist Ideology of the News Media

"Another hallmark of centrist propaganda is to affirm, no matter what the evidence, that U.S. foreign policy is geared toward promoting democracy. Journalists are not unaware that the U.S. helped overthrow democratic governments, for example, in Guatemala in '54, Brazil in '64, Chile in '73 -- but these cases are considered ancient history, no longer relevant. (In centrist ideology, since the system is constantly fixing and renewing itself, U.S. abuses -- even against democracy -- become distant past overnight.)

Mainstream journalists respond to such criticism by explaining that articles for the daily press are not history texts and cannot include everything. That's true, but centrist propaganda finds space for certain histories and not others.

from a article by Jeff Cohen



Anarkisme er ikke fortolket entydigt blandt folk, heller ikke blandt anarkister. På wikien her skal der være plads til forskellige fortolkninger, og i stedet for at slette det man synes er forkert (med mindre det er helt hen i vejret, såsom for eksempel at sige at anarkisme handler om at skelne gule fra lilla blomster), opfordres der hermed til at man rykker forskellige holdninger ind under sit eget afsnit. Det er derfor også en god ide at skrive sit navn på eller pseudonym på artiklen.

Sabots introduktion til anarkisme[edit]

Et uddrag af en kort introduktion til anarkismen - fra det anarkistiske tidsskrift Sabot. Oprindelig er der en kort historisk gennemgang i starten, men den synes jeg ikke er så relevant, så nedenstående er derfor en copy/pasted udgave uden det første afsnit. For dem som gerne vil læse det kan se det på

En anden introduktion til anarkisme[edit]

Anarkisme er tanken om at verden er til for alle, og ikke kun de stærkeste. Det vil sige at ingen, ifølge den anarkistiske tankegang, har ret til mere end andre, altså lighed ligemeget om man er sort, kvinde eller kommer fra lavere samfundslag. En anarkist går ind for afskaffelse af staten, idet at høn ser staten som roden til undertrykkelse og fattigdom i vores samfund. I den anarkistiske utopi vil alle være frie og ikke være under noget form for regelsæt, udover deres egen etik og moral. Denne utopi er altså Anarkiet hvorimod anarkismen betragtes som praksissen. Anarkismen som en antiautoritær måde at leve på og en evig bestræbelse.

Et nuværende fristed, der i høj grad er præget af anarkistisk ideologi er for eksempel Ungdomshuset, som er et selvstyret hus på Nørrebro. Alle som bruger huset kan komme til de ugentlige fællesmøder hvor alle kan være med til at bestemme husets fremtid og komme med deres meniger om relevante situationer.

En diskurs der i praksis er enighed om blandt mange anarkister udspringer af tripple opression teorien og går ud på at bekæmpe magtstrukturer så som undertrykkelse på baggrund af køn, klasse, seksualitet oa. For mange anarkister er det anarkistiske projekt ikke kun på makroniveau, altså at bekæmpe staten, men også på personligt plan så som førnævnte kamp mod strukturel undertrykkelse.

Artikler som skal jobbes med[edit]

George Orwell

Louis Thomas McFadden

David C. Korten[edit]

David Korten is board chair of the Positive Futures Network, publishers of YES! A Journal of Positive Futures, and founder and president of The People-Centered Development Forum.

Korten has thirty years of field experience in Asia, Africa, and Latin America as a writer, teacher, and consultant on development management, alternative development theory, and the strategic roles of nonprofit organizations in advancing social and economic transformation.

He is a former faculty member of the Harvard Business School and the author of nine previous books including the best-selling "When Corporations Rule the World".

Dr. David C. Korten has over thirty-five years of experience in preeminent business, academic, and international development institutions as well as in contemporary citizen action organizations.

Trained in economics, organization theory, and business strategy with M.B.A. and Ph. D. degrees from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, his early career was devoted to setting up business schools in low income countries -- starting with Ethiopia while still a doctoral candidate at Stanford -- in the hope that creating a new class of professional business entrepreneurs would be the key to ending global poverty.

After graduation, Korten completed his military service during the Vietnam War as a captain in the U.S. Air Force, serving in Air Force headquarters command, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the Advanced Research Projects Agency.

He then served for five and a half years as a Visiting Associate Professor of the Harvard University Graduate School of Business where he taught in Harvard's middle management, M.B.A. and doctoral programs.

He also served as the Harvard Business School advisor to the Nicaragua-based Central American Management Institute.

He subsequently joined the staff of the Harvard Institute for International Development, where he headed a Ford Foundation-funded project to strengthen the organization and management of national family planning programs.

In the late 1970s, Korten left U.S. academia and moved to Southeast Asia, where he lived for nearly fifteen years, serving first as a Ford Foundation project specialist, and later as Asia regional advisor on development management to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

His work there won him international recognition for his contributions to pioneering the development of powerful strategies for transforming public bureaucracies into responsive support systems dedicated to strengthening community control and management of land, water, and forestry resources.

Disillusioned by the evident inability of USAID and other large official aid donors to apply the approaches that had been proven effective by the nongovernmental Ford Foundation, Korten broke with the official aid system.

His last five years in Asia were devoted to working with leaders of Asian nongovernmental organizations on identifying the root causes of development failure in the region and building the capacity of civil society organizations to function as strategic catalysts of national- and global-level change.

Korten came to realize that the crisis of deepening poverty, growing inequality, environmental devastation, and social disintegration he was observing in Asia was also being experienced in nearly every country in the world -- including the United States and other "developed" countries.

Furthermore he came to the conclusion that the United States was actively promoting -- both at home and abroad -- the very policies that were deepening the resulting global crisis. For the world to survive, the United States must change.

He returned to the United States in 1992 to help advance that change. He has since had a leading role in raising public consciousness of the political and institutional consequences of economic globalization and the expansion of corporate power at the expense of democracy, equity, and enviornmental health.

His publications are required reading in university courses around the world. He is also a popular international speaker and a regular guest on talk radio and television.